The Vision:
Every marine animal's mortality is a tragedy, but these animals need not die in vain.
Our mission is to give a voice to marine animals through response and advocacy and fight the increasing threats to their survival from human indifference.

Sea lions showing their incredible adaptability utilizing the bulbous bow of a visiting container ship.

A close-up of the sea lions hauled out and resting on the bulbous bow of the container ship.

Some of the 82 ship to shore cargo cranes within the Port of LA.

A dolphin swimming in the channels in the back of the LA Harbor

Recreational fishers within sight of the harbor seals hauled out on San Mateo Rocks, San Clemente.

A male sea lion showing signs of entanglement in monofilament fishing line.

A fully loaded cargo container ship at dock in the Port of LA.

Tankers anchored inside the LA Harbor.

Lines of Buoys off San Clemente; A possible hazard for the entanglement for whales navigating through our coastal waters

Adult sea lions swimming with boat traffic in the channels of the LA Harbor

Just a small amount of the trash and human refuse to float into the Port of LA

The Port of Los Angeles is made up of 43 miles of coastline encompassing 4,300 acres of land and 3,200 acres of water.

Cargo ships are awaiting entry and unloading outside the LA Harbor. In 2019, over 9,000,000 (TEU) containers were delivered to the Port of LA

The Port of LA includes 25 cargo terminals, with over 80 ship-to-shore container cranes and 116 miles of on-dock rail, and six rail yards. Further expansion is planned!

A juvenile gray whale that expired on Dockweiler Beach, Playa Del Rey. This whale was extremely emaciated. Starvation and malnutrition played a large part in its passing. What is happening to their food source?
The Mission:
The Ocean Animal Response and Research Alliance (OARRA) is committed to monitoring live marine mammal populations and responding to deceased marine animals and sea turtles that wash up on Southern California beaches. OARRA, working collaboratively with other like-minded organizations, will play a vital role in further determining and characterizing the threats facing our environment. Through dedication, engagement, and education of stakeholders, OARRA hopes to inspire personal and global change for a healthier environment for all.